Monday, February 16, 2009


Wow last night service was tremendous! Brother Buxton called Pastor Clark and told him that God gave him a message for our church family and our children. It always amazes me how God brings someone to give us a word right when we need it! Bro Buxton came and preached an awesome message to our church..I can not even describe in words what we all felt! God's presence was so strong in the services it brought us strait down to our knees on our face weeping and basking in his presence....He was God sent!! what he preached hit home to all of our families in the church! God used Bro. Buxton to speak to Pastor Clark and Sister Clark and others in the church. We has a body of Christ came together as one last night and prayed for our Pastor and Sister Clark....The bond that was put in our church was a bond from GOD! He preached on how we should not disobey or disrespect the man of God but to trust that he is going to lead us in the right direction. He preached how our children these days need us to restrict them from the things of this world more now then ever and that GOD is going to fill our church.. I can go on and on that's how awesome it was!

GOD definitely filled our cups last night and gave us the strength we need to run this race as a family united!!!!!


The Rowell Bunch said...

The service was GREAT! Thank God for his servant Brother Buxton who ministered in a mighty way!

Anonymous said...

I can't say enough good about the service... you just had to be there! Bro. Buxton was so sensitive to the Holy Ghost...One of those services you'll never forget... The alter is forever etched in my mind... then when Bro. Buxton laid the cloath upon our Pastor and his wife - the annointing was unexplainable... Bro. Buxton spoke to our Church specifically. Thank God for Men of God that are sensitive! Thank you Bro. Buxton!