Monday, February 16, 2009


THANK YOU JESUS it was a SUCCESS!!!!!! More than expected many visitors came it was AWESOME! Jeffrey and I want to thank all the youth who participated in acting, serving, and making all of the visitors feel welcomed. Many of the visitors were stating how welcomed they felt and you were all sweet! THANK YOU WE LOVE YOU!

We would also like to thank everyone else that helped put this together within two weeks. MOM you did an awesome job with the costumes and setting up. Dad and the boys thanks so much for building the stage!

This was such a huge success we will be continuing the play for a couple of more weeks a few churches have requested we play it for them! THANK YOU JESUS!

PICTURES will be uploaded shortly.



Anonymous said...

The Ester drama was unbelievable! The youth out did themselves... As we were preparing for the evening we asked that the cast be there at 5 p.m. to get their costumes on and help make sure everything was set for dinner... Since we didn't have a set # of commitments we planned on around 50-60. Well, were we ever so wrong... all of the sudden the gym starts filling up and all the tables were full - we had to set out more tables and chairs... we were freaking out because we wanted to make sure we had enough food... Thank to Papaw he made another run to the restaurant we ordered from... when it was all said and done we had around 150 people... then after the youth performed the drama... everyone couldn't help but comment on how awesome it was! They all thought they were coming to see some little skit, but were they ever surprised... We will be performing this again in the next couple of weeks... Several Churches in the area want to see it... I'm so proud of everyone! Great job!!!